

The field of Data Science is booming and the only way to keep up is with constant learning to keep an ‘edge’. Countless times I have gone to blogs to learn something new or to help solve a problem. I’ve since got to the point where to challenge myself further I figured I may as well jump on the blog wagon myself.

This blog is structured with short posts for those who may be interested in the data and questions. However, for those whose interest is piqued, I will also include full detail on my methods in an easy to follow format with all code and data available on my github.

I have worked with a range of languages over the last five years and currently use R and SQL on the daily. My programming level is early-intermediate and will hopefully be improving through some of the challenges addressed in this blog. Hopefully there will be something for all levels of reader or maybe some readers will even be keen to contribute advice, even better.

If you are interested in any of the content, have suggestions, or want to get in touch then feel free to contact me.